That music was creepy!

Iklan paling pelik pernah aku tengok. 
Description : Its a japanese McDonalds commercial. I have no idea what they're trying to sell and the music is haunting. This song will be stuck in your head forever. Uploaded around 2008.

Muzik serius seram sampai aku tutup mata sebab ingatkan akan terkeluar benda menakutkan kat skrin but it didn't happen though. heh.

p/s : pandai kau perbodoh-bodohkan aku kan


  1. hehehe...tersilap msk music ke apa dorang ni???dahla dla sorang2 ni..

  2. @d_la : hahahaha. sorang2 eh...oh no no. video ni memang entah hape2. music pun tak sesuai. buat seram je

  3. memang entah hape hape..
    tak paham...

  4. @aujinz : blurr bila tengok vid ni


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